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Diwali: Experience the Festival of Lights In India! Book Tickets And Get Discount


Amaze your heart and soul in the beautiful lights of lamps and celebrate Diwali in India. Vacillate in the different cultures and traditions of the country and make your holiday travel worth this year. You must know that being the most diverse country India has people of almost every religion and so it is the land of festivals.

Diwali is a national festival and it is celebrated people of every community and religion of India with an equal amount of joy. Even though you cannot describe the celebration in words but still you will have a little idea about this auspicious occasion in brief. It is a holy Hindu festival but celebrated by everyone. On this occasion, people come back to their homes no matter how far they are staying. Number of tourists also plans their trips to explore the country more closely and to experience the culture in the vibes of amusement. To if you are also gazing for the best time to visit India then this is the right time. Book your flights to India and feel the contentment of traveling in the festival season.

When is Diwali?

Diwali in India

Generally, it is celebrated after 20 days of Dussehra. This year it is on 27th October. People start the preparations days ago. You can plan your holidays in a way so that to enjoy both the festivals. Dussehra is also celebrated in a grand manner in India.

Why it is Celebrated?

Diwali Celebration in India

  • It is celebrated in the honor of Lord Ram Chandra. Lord Rama is considered as the incarnation of God Vishnu according to Hindu Mythology. On this day Lord Rama came back home after the exile of 14 years. He came back home with his wife Goddess Sita, Lord Hanumana and brother the Lakshmana after winning back his wife from the demon Ravana.
  • There is another story behind the celebrations in South India. On this day Lord Krishna defeated demon Narakasura. The demon requested a boon from his mother that everyone will celebrate his death as a festival of colorful lights.
  • One more belief in western India that on this day that Lord Vishnu, the Preserver (one of the main gods of the Hindu trinity) sent the demon King Bali to rule the nether world.
  • It is also believed that Goddess Lakshmi was born on this day during the churning of the cosmic ocean (Samudra Manthan).

How this Festival is Celebrated?

How to Celebrate Diwali in India

This day is a symbol of lights especially. People enlighten their homes and workplaces with colorful lights. In some places, people light only earthen lamps on the other hand people also use electrical and artificial lights. You will see markets are decorated like a new bride on this day. People start cleaning their homes days before the festival.

Besides that Indian people like to disburse gifts and sweets to their neighbors on this occasion. It is indeed something that all people cherish while celebrating Diwali in India.

You will see all the public places cleaned up on this day.

People cook delicious cuisines on this day and worship Goddess Lakshmi, Sarswati and Lord Ganesha.

Interesting Fact

You will be surprised to know that this day is celebrated on the darkest night of the Hindu Lunisolar month of Kartika.

Which Places Are Famous For the Celebration?

If you want to celebrate this day marvelously in India then plan your trip to these cities and you will see the gracious and glorious celebrations.

  • Jaipur – Jaipur is also known as the pink city of India. Celebrate your Diwali under the sky illuminated with the lights of the lamps. You will see how the warm glow of lamps and lights is adorning the streets. Las-Vegas have a strip and Jaipur has Johari Bazaar. You will surprise to see the wonderful city in the shelter of light.
  • Goa – Watch the destruction of demon Narakasura by Lord Krishna in the city of beaches. Also, enjoy the scene of the burning of the scary effigy of demon Narakasura. So many competitions are held to make the biggest effigy and winners are also awarded the prize.
  • Varanasi – Varanasi is the craziest place to celebrate this festival of lights in India. You will see the sky full of crackers and fireworks. It will go all night long.
  • Kolkata – While people in India worship Goddess Laxmi on this auspicious time some people worship Goddess Kali at this time. This happens usually in Kolkata.
  • Amritsar – You will surprise to know that Amritsar which is famous for Golden Temple specially and place of Sikh majority also famous for grand celebrations.

Offers on Flight Tickets

Pre-Book Your Flights

Are you worried about higher fare prices? No need! You will get so many offers in this season. Don’t miss the opportunity of blending in the beautiful colors of the country in the festival season.

Visit India at a reasonable and affordable price. So many websites offer a huge discount on this season.

Canada to India Flights –:

Grab the best deals on Canada to India flights on Diwali. You are advised to pre-book tickets to get other perks and desired seats.

USA to India Flights –:

USA to India flights prices also get lower on this occasion. Several people come home to spend this beautiful time with their family.

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