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The Stewart International Airport of New York will soon undergo modification which is a secondary airport and about 70 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. On Thursday, the authorization of name change and $30 million expansion has been given by Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to the airport. Issues and Plans for Growth… Continue reading Name Change And Expansion For New York’s Stewart International Airport!


The company mentioned in the press release that the passengers of Finnair will enjoy a wide variety of digital international newspapers on long-haul flights. As the newspapers are available on a local network, the passengers will not need to sign into the Wi-Fi on board, also not pressurizing to charge the passengers for Wi-Fi connection.… Continue reading Digital Newspapers To Be Offered By Finnair On Long-Haul Flights


Who would have known the celebration of National Drink Wine day will be the news of today. Celebrated on 18th of February Alaska Airlines will be Alaska Airlines is offering free wine to the passengers who’ll be flying that day. Alaska Airlines Expands Wine Flies Free Technically, the day is to celebrate drinking wine but Alaska… Continue reading Wine Day Celebration On Alaska Airlines, Offering Free Wine


Every passenger needs to follow a number of rules while traveling through air whether it is related to baggage, check-in or documents. And when it comes to flying with your four-legged friends, every airline has its own rule for the same. The restrictions can vary depending upon the route of the airline. Talking about the… Continue reading Pet Travel Policies Of North America’s Top 7 Airlines!
