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Hawaiian Airlines Is Latest Carrier To Hike Its Bag Fees


Hawaiian Airlines has joined the crowd, becoming the latest U.S. carrier to hike its fees for checking bags.

Hawaiian’s move brings its bag fees in line with what’s now become the industry standard for checked-bag fees. Already this year, American, Delta, United and Alaska have all increased their fees to $30 for a first bag and $40 for a second.

As for Hawaiian, travelers flying on tickets booked prior to Wednesday will still be able to check bags at the previous prices.

The new fees apply to Hawaiian’s flights between the state of Hawaii and destinations in the mainland and United States. Fees for Hawaiian’s “neighbor island” flights within the state of Hawaii will remain unchanged at $25 for a first bag and $35 for a second. Members of Hawaiian’s HawaiianMiles frequent-flyer program pay a reduced rate of $15 and $20, respectively, on intrastate flights.

Hawaiian passengers flying on the airline’s international flights will continue to be able to check two bags for free.

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