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Etihad Has Unveiled “Giant Suitcase” At Abu Dhabi International Airport For Holy Month Of Ramadan!


Etihad has put a Giant Suitcase at Abu Dhabi International Airport in its terminal 3. It is encouraging travelers to donate just one item they know they can do without to those less fortunate. This program will provide them the opportunity to do-good through a simple donation program and more than 75 % of travelers are ready for over-packing of their clothes for holidays.

Signs and stickers have been placed throughout the Departures section of the airport to direct the passenger to the Giant Suitcase. This thing will create the thoughts and is provoking to questions like “Are you planning on wearing everything you packed?” or “Do you really need all three pairs of those packed shoes?”

And other than this, the initiative will be promoted extensively on Etihad’s social media channels during Ramadan, with regular updates on how much has been donated. All items that are donated to the giant suitcase like clothes, books, blankets and children’s toys will be collected in partnership with Grace Conservations.

The Giant Suitcase of Etihad for Ramadan will be located in the check-in area of Terminal 3 of Abu Dhabi International Airport, which can be found by following the signs or asking a member of Etihad’s Ground Staff. In addition, the Giant Suitcase will visit the airline’s headquarters in Khalifa City, giving staff the opportunity to also make donations.

The Executive Vice President Commercial of Etihad Airways Mohammad Al Bulooki said: “The Holy Month of Ramadan is one of the most important and special times of year for Muslims, and donating to charity is a key part of marking the month. Therefore, Etihad Airways is pleased to launch this campaign with our guests, encouraging them to donate an item from their luggage for those less fortunate than they are. Research has shown that many air travelers pack more than they actually need for their journey, so we’re hoping for a great response.”

Other Offering Services During Ramadan:

  • The hospitality service, which includes in-flight catering, will continue to operate as normal.
  • Guests who are fasting, in-flight public announcements are made regarding both Suhoor and Iftar
  • Those flights which arrive close to Iftar, Etihad will have a special Ramadan offering which is packaged for the guest to take with them.
  • The offering includes Arabian dates, Laban, a fresh sandwich and a water bottle.

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