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Air India Flights Cancelled to Hong Kong


Hong Kong has restricted Air India flights till April 24 after three travelers on one of its flights were examined positive for COVID-19 post its arrival on Saturday, a senior government official has said.

Travelers from India can show up in Hong Kong provided that they have a COVID-19 negative declaration from a test completed 48 hours preceding the excursion, as per rules issued by the Hong Kong government, said the authority on Sunday.

Additionally, all global travelers are expected to take a post-flight COVID-19 test at the air terminal premises in Hong Kong.

“The three travelers on Air India’s AI316 Delhi-Kolkata-Hong Kong trip on April 16 tried positive for COVID-19 post-arrival,” the authority said.

Air India departures from New Delhi and Kolkata have been restricted till April 24 by the Hong Kong government, the authority added.

Air India didn’t answer the PTI’s solicitation for an assertion on this.

Ordinary worldwide flights continued in India on March 27 following a two years break actuated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
